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Let's Chirp

An App that brings back confidence to its users, and improves their personal growth.
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This project was conducted at the end of 2019 at

Humber College, Toronto, Canada. The Challenge was to find a health issue, Understand User Experience, and come up with possible solutions. Our project was choosing to study a medical issue that has been hard to track and medication options are limited. 


Date: Fall 2019 Project: Humber College Omar Rashid, Evguenia Anchakova,

Caio  Gonzalez, Fabrizio Sacco

Celine Wong

  • Anxiety may occur in brief episodes, periodically or all the time, and for no apparent reason.


  • Affects 18% of the adult population.


  • Yet only 36% of these people seek help.


  • And it seems to be getting worse. Young people in particular report ever-higher levels of anxiety in annual surveys.

  • The sources of anxiety vary and are different for everyone.


  • People face a lot of barriers when trying to access conventional mental health treatment.


  • Oversaturation of Apps and they may feel disconnected, impersonal, and provides little feedback. 


Inspiration Phase


  • Secondary Research Findings


  • User Interview Findings

    • Who 

    • What  

Synthesis Phase


  • Identified themes

  • Developed personas 

  • Created empathy and journey maps

  • Pulled insights to develop need statements

Persona Development



“Quiet but friendly, confides in people she trusts. Trying to balance out student workload and staying healthy. Struggles with anxiety.”

Woman Standing on Field



Age: 21

Work: Student

Hobbies: Yoga & Reading




  • Seeking one-on-one therapy but feels like it’s not enough sometimes

  • Feels comforted by trusted people

  • Does not follow a morning/night routine, but knows what makes her feel better 



Low Fi WireFrames
High Fi Wire Frames

Design Challenge​


  • Focus on real-time anxiety mitigation, routine building & self-reflection through activities, like journaling.


  • Incorporate a personalized interactive feedback system.


  • Assess anxiety levels to provide acute relief or gradually guided assistance. 

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Next Steps

  • Consult healthcare professionals & reiterate with co-creation.


  • Incorporate app with a wearable for predictive measures and prevention.


  • Conduct scientific studies to ensure the validity and accuracy of the app. 


  • Pushing user to interact with their immediate environment.

  • LinkedIn
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